Monday, 20 May 2013


No, not the TV show, I mean FRIENDS.
I am going to go through the typical negative friends we all will eventually encounter in our lives, and how to potentially deal with them.

The Annoying One
So, first things first, I'm pretty sure you are all aware of that one friend who is just SOO PLAIN ANNOYING! The one who won't stop yapping on and on, you just wanna slap tape over her mouth! I mean come on! There is a time and a place love, and I do not want to hear your entire evening when I saw you the day before!
The best way in all honesty to deal with these kinds of friends is either, if you're shy, get talking cause they're probably only chatting to fill up the silence while you smile politely, or, you could start brushing off their comments, either way, they'll take a hint and keep quiet.

The Slutty One
Yes, the one with the tightest tops and shortest shorts in PE, the one with fake tan on every day and layers of makeup so thick you start to wonder where those little freckles on her nose went. The one all the boys love and is at every party possible getting drunk and boasting about trying to lose her virginity to some 20 year old student or giving a guy a blowjob.
Firstly, if you have a friend like this, good luck! They are obviously extremely self conscicious so hide it under the push up bras and shorts so short you can see her ass cheeks, or are actually confident in themselves and want to show it off, in which case, you go girl!
Either way, either you tell her what you think or you ditch her, because no one deserves that on their own self esteem, although if you do keep her them she may be able to help with your confidence!

The Self-Absorbed One
First off, if I seem harsh against these ones, but it's because this is my main problem right now, beside exams: SELF ABSORBTION! The one thing I seriously can't fathom. How can a person put themselves on a pedestal and expect the whole world to fall at their feet because, ohh I don't know, they had to go to work and it was raining, or you wanted to do something and they didn't. This one tiny thing can be turned back against you and the person can say you're not a good friend when all you've done is listen to their whining and self pity for months and months on end. Fair enough, a majority of this is from being an only child, but there is no need to treat other people like they don't care about you! It is soo irritating when people complain about the tiniest things, sometimes I just want to shout look at those poor kids our age living in poverty do you hear them complaining about having a job or not having enough make up! Ugghhh, sometimes the world just makes me feel sick.
Okay, so since I don't know how to deal with these friends, I am opening it up to you, what do you think?

The Argumentative One
The one where you can say one thing and suddenly they are verbally attacking you for expressing your opinion. These kinds of people will eventually drain you, physically and metally, and to be perfectly honest, I actually feel sorry for these people. Either they can't express their ideas at home, or they believe in stuff so strongly that you just want to shake them a little.
To be fair the best way to deal with them is to let go. Obviously they don't appreciate your views at all, so they shouldn't get your time and effort.

Monday, 13 May 2013


Yep, you heard me, STUDYING. This one little word puts the fear of God in just about everyone, young and old, and let me tell you, it really does.

If you're anything like me, then you probably only care about exams until they're about a week away, then its panic station! But, if you took a teeny tiny step back for a second, you could easily study for a test in a week. And here's how i do it :)

1. No matter what happens NEVER LEAVE STUDYING TO THE NIGHT BEFORE! Trust me if you do then you're in a coffee fuelled panic attack and staying up until about 2am rocking in a corner with a book in your hand, this is never good.

2. Break up what you're studying into tiny chunks, whether its by pages, or by paragraphs, just breaking it up can make it seem not so daunting.

3. Never panic. The worst thing a teacher can say to you is you have to repeat, and even then, repeating is not the end of the world.

4. Revise for about 30 mins then take a 5 min break, that way you are rewarding yourself for that half hour of REAL studying. If you want over the course of time you have you can increase it to 45mins to 1hr ,or if you're a serious nutcase, 2hrs, then take a break.

5. This one is optional, but it has worked for me. Let's just use me for an example, I would study upstairs in a little sofa in a corner, I would turn off my phone and leave it in the kitchen (obviously hiding it, who wants to go and get it back to find their parents are snooping through your texts? Nightmare!) That way I have no distractions from what I'm doing.

And Ta-dah!!!! Now you have the basic steps of studying, but of course you can work these around yourself and if you could give me some tips to improve my own I'd love it :)

See? Studying isn't soo bad!


we all have those little things in life that annoy us, from little or older siblings, parent, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends to school, exams and the future. So, I'm going to go through a couple of these and highlight some typical situations i have been in and how i dealt with them.


I have a twin sister, and trust me, half the time i don't know how we are even related. She is the doctor-smart girly one, whereas I'm the slightly tomboyish book mad one. She wants to be a doctor. I want to be a teacher. She is a control freak. I'm so chilled I'm practically horizontal. You can see where we may clash at times.
However, there are also the benefits of having siblings. First off, you have a live in tutor, and we can all agree that older brothers and sisters are a God send when tests are coming up, and secondly, you live with your best friend, which pretty much sums up our relationship nowadays, although i do imagine strangling her one day, i still lover her.


Naturally, I have a limited experience with parents as my mum is a single parent, but we all know they are clingy and overprotective at the best of times, plus now that mum has a boyfriend she's out almost every night, not that I'm complaining because then i can study.

Usually we all go through the 'leave me alone I'm a grown up now' stage, and
we all know that feeling that they are constantly at you for the tiniest things, but when you look back, you'll always remember those things the most and laugh (trust me, you will!)


In all honesty, I have no idea why i put this up, I don't have a boyfriend and, ( I am literally going red at this) I've never even kissed a boy yet. So, I'm probably not the best person to debate about relationships, but i can say that hopefully i will be able to debate about crushes.


Oh, where to start? We begin school with that sweet, optimistic view that everything will be fine and dandy and we'll be smart and be able to read the complicated books. But as we progress, school turns into the ultimate nightmare for the average teen, from tests to demon teachers, i think we can all agree that school is hell.

Although, I'm not really one to talk as i want to be a teacher, i can say that school has helped us make friends, build relationships and get smarter.

The Future

We all worry about our future, whether it's what we want to be, or what will happen to us after exams, we all have those doubts in our heads.

But let me tell you, we don't all have crystal ballsthat can tell us where we will end up, but i think we have to focus on the present because worrying about the future is actually futile.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Ahh the joys of a Sunday night!

So, did you all have a nice weekend?

I sure did and between catching up on my TV shows (Vampire Diaries and Game of Thrones in case you were wondering) and sleeping, all in all, I was pretty chilled.

However the one thing we all dread about Sundays is the inevitable realisation that...tomorrow is Monday. Yes, we have all heard it before, and who can agree with me that every Sunday night when they are looking at Facebook or Twitter there are at least 10 statuses about "OMG Monday tomorrow! :(" or "SUCH a short weekend! Hate Mondays" etc. you know the drill.

So, why do people hate Mondays? This is the only question I personally ask every Sunday night, I know a majority of people will probably answer, "Because it's MONDAY!" but if you actually sat and thought about it, Mondays are not that bad.

Mondays are the only day of the week where you genuinely force yourself out of bed, the only day when you chug a full mug of coffee instead of half and you end up bouncing around the ceilings in school because of a caffeine high, it is the only day when even the teachers agree that their tired, and when the pupils can see who is hung over from a boozy night out.

It is actually the only day of the week when we are genuinely awake, I mean seriously compare how tired you are on a Monday to a Friday, you're more tired on a Friday, aren't you? See? Mondays aren't that bad, and so people have no reason to post nonsense about how depressed they are or how tired they are, when they're just going to be tired more at the end of the week but still post, "Lurrred it's Friday!" I swear my logic just makes soo much sense!

Check out this website on beating the monday blues!

Exam Ranting

hello again!

Now that I have my little hello page done, its time for (what i think is) some real blogging!

First off, I have exams in a week, and let me tell you, I AM PETRIFIED!!!! Why do people take it upon themselves to determine the rest of our potential careers with exams??? Where is the humanity here? The stress of revising, the eventual lack of motiviation and now the wanting to crawl into a corner and fall asleep phase is upon me! Why on Earth would people want to subject young growing teenagers to this torture? It's hard enough having to try and find a job, get good extra curricular hours and volunteer work, as well as worry about the social side of life like boys and your weight and how your going to get fit over summer (yes i am a girl!)

Exams shouldn't be treated like the be all and end all of life itself! There are some people out there who completely bomb their exams but end up the most successful! How is that proof that exams really show people's potential! Some people just aren't suited for exams, so why do they force everyone to do it?

Honestly, sometimes the world just baffles me! Anyway, if anyone else fels the same please join me in a little silent prayer for everyone in the next few weeks, cause I'l be needing it!

Hi There!

Well, hi!

This is quite weird for me, which is saying something cause i am very weird, as you'll probably find out soon enough. I have never written a blog before, so if you're wondering why I sound like an idiot half the time, then you know.

I don't really know how to start this, so I'll just tell you a bit about myself. Considering the title, I'm 16 years old and I'm from Northern Ireland,  as i like to call it, the Land of the Four Seasons in a Day (and no, I'm not kidding, this is actually true!) I have an incredibly boring life but that just my opinion.

Now, you might be wondering, if i have such a boring life, then why in God's name am i blogging about it? Well, let me tell you something, i am a firm believer in expressing your own opinions on life, but i also don't really feel like Twitter and Facebook are the right way to go about complaining about every little detail in life anyway, so here i am, ready to start a blog about my life from today.

So, in all honesty, i have no idea what I'm doing but hey! why not?