hey guys, how's it going?
so, no exams are over, thank my lucky stars! i swear my school is just dying to mess with me by sending me an offer for 6th form. yes, its good but now ive had the one nightmare every single night. i fail my exams and i dont get back in. every. bloody. night. i dread going to bed at night.
buuuuut on a good note ITS SUMMER!!! the one time of a year where you can wear shorts without complaining about being cold. and the time when you end up spending your time volunteering, or sleeping and eating your body weight in ice cream, you know, whichever works. so, i also have a serious number of plans this summer, including shopping for new clothes, finding a job outside the retail industry (harder than it sounds, trust me) and of course attempting to lose weight in time to make an impression on your fellow classmates veforeyou horrify them by forgetting to wear make up to school.
so, yes i am quite busy and have a jam packed summer, so hopefully it wont go belly up! let me know what everyone is up to so i can be jealous of who's going away this year (if you find me sobbing in a corner, dont worry, i'm having trouble coping not being on a plane for about 6 years now).
have a grrrreat summer everyone! xxx